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Message from Principal2020-04-11T18:33:05+00:00

Message from Principal

Welcome to Bangladesh Adventist Nursing Institute website!

Whether visiting our webpage, following social media or visiting our beautiful campus, you will observe a Institute of Nursing with an infectious momentum. Bangladesh Adventist Nursing Institute is a renowned private residential educational institute established in 2016, with the affiliation of the Ministry of Health and accredited by Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council. Currently we are running a 3-year Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery Program, and we will soon start a Diploma in Midwifery program, a Post-Basic (In-service) Education and a B.Sc. in Nursing program. BANI ensures an international quality education for all students with upgrading through innovative training programs.

I am honored to serve as the Principal, working with faculty, staff and students to realize our vision of educating and empowering a diverse population of nurse leaders who will transform health and health systems through service, discovery and knowledge.

Our profession carries the enormous responsibility of leading reform in health and health care systems, improving health outcomes of patients and their families, and generating and translating knowledge that improves nursing education, nursing leadership, and nursing practice. The Institute of Nursing is committed to meeting these challenges and addressing the critical health needs of our population by preparing nurses who have a broad understanding of the profession, public policy, leadership, and health care systems.

It is a great time to consider starting or advancing your career in nursing. Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has said as she urged more youths to make a career in nursing. She quoted – “It is a noble profession, that’s what I will tell our young generations. They can join this job and emerge as Florence Nightingale.”

According to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses are one of the top occupations in terms of job growth through 2024. Jobs for advanced practice registered nurses are projected to grow at a faster rate than RN jobs, reports the BLS. And opportunities continue to flourish for nurse leaders, and nurse scientists.

The internationally known Christian author Ellen G White, has put it succinctly:  ‘The Lord wants wise men and women, who can act in the capacity of nurses, to comfort and help the sick and suffering. O that all who are afflicted might be ministered to by Christian physicians and nurses who could help them to place their weary, pain-racked bodies in the care of the Great Healer, in faith looking to Him for restoration! If through judicious ministration the patient is led to give his soul to Christ and to bring his thoughts into obedience to the will of God, a great victory is gained’….{CH388.1}

Whether you are a prospective student, donor, a current student, or an alumnus or alumna, please take time to browse the website to learn about our remarkable programs and the achievements of students, faculty members, and alumni. The overriding strength of our educational programs, research opportunities, and clinical services lies in the talented and dedicated faculty members and researchers at the Bangladesh Adventist Nursing Institute.

Respectfully yours,

Sandra Rumi Madhu
BSN, MPH, MSS, PHD (cont.)
Principal of BANI