

Degree Awarded:

 Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery


The Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council and its members hold the following beliefs about person, environment, health, nursing, midwifery, and nursing education.


Person is a unique being, holistic in nature with interactive bio-physical, psycho-social, and spiritual dimensions. A person has ability for self-care actions required for promoting health, preventing diseases and illnesses, overcoming illness/restoring and maintaining health.


Environment consists of bio-physical and socio-cultural elements that impact people’s health. Each person lives within, and interacts with, an ever-changing environment, including health-care environment. The environment can be altered to positively affect a person’s health by changing or removing unhealthy stressors and providing health-promoting resources.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health-illness continuum indicates a continuum stage between health and illness across life span. Health is viewed as a dynamic state of wholeness or integrity achieved by continual adjusting one’s self for optimal functioning. Illness is viewed as a dynamic state of loss of wholeness, dysfunction, or disorganization. While healing is the process through which illness is overcome and wellness reestablished; and is achieved by goal-oriented or deliberated actions.


Nursing assists clients (individuals, families and communities-aggregates of people within communities) to attain physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. Nursing involves a dynamic interaction between client and nurse aimed to promote, maintain, and restore optimal health in collaboration with other health team members. It also encourages involvement of clients and significant others in the care for self-reliance and in modifying their health behaviors. Nurses use nursing process in determining clients’ needs or problems in responses to actual or potential health problems, planning for nursing interventions, intervening, and evaluating responses. Nurses deliver community-oriented nursing care, taking into account clients’ community context. Critical thinking is the basis for nurses to apply nursing knowledge and to follow ethical and legal framework in their practice.


Midwifery is care of the girl-child, the adolescent and the adult woman prior to, during, and following pregnancy. It aims to promote, maintain, and restore optimal health and views pregnancy as a normal life event. Midwife gives necessary supervision, care and advice for women during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. The midwife conducts deliveries on her own responsibility and cares for the newborn infant. She detects abnormal conditions in the mother and baby, procures medical assistance as necessary; and the execution of emergency measures in the absence of medical help. The midwife works in collaboration with other health care team members and/or community-based health workers in promoting the health of women and childbearing families.

Nursing education:

Nursing education is a dynamic, continuous learning process of acquiring nursing and midwifery knowledge and skills that bring about changes of student behaviors. Nursing education acquires active and life-long learning and new learning builds on previous knowledge and experience. Learning in nursing education is best achieved when student is motivated and ready to learn, where student’s dignity is respected; teaching strategies and learning experiences are carefully selected to facilitate critical thinking; and professional or clinical role modeling is offered.


The institutional goal of this program is to produce competent nurses that will enable them for demonstrate the competency of using knowledge-based practice for provision of quality holistic client- centered nursing care to meet the needs/expectations and to promote, maintain, and restore heath of individuals, families, and communities nationally and internationally.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this program are to develop registered nurses who will be able to:

Demonstrate to have knowledge in:

  • Basic sciences, applied sciences, and human sciences;
  • Nursing science focusing on interpersonal communication, nursing process, holistic nursing, community-oriented nursing, and knowledge requiring for making clinical nursing judgment in common and simple health problems/situations of nursing clients across health-illness continuum and throughout the life course;
  • Nursing leadership and management;
  • Emerging local and global health issues including universal health coverage;
  • Research methodology/ Nursing research;
  • Computer and informational technology

Demonstrate to have skills in:

  • Using nursing process with knowledge-based clinical skills and critical thinking skills in caring for clients with common and simple health problems/situations across health-illness continuum and throughout the life course in order to promote, maintain, and restore health;
  • Providing client-centered and holistic care with caring behaviors;
  • Carrying out knowledge-based and community-oriented nursing practice with positive attitudes, ethical behaviors and accountability in accordance with the BNMC rules and regulations and professional standards;
  • Communicating effectively with nursing clients, nursing members, physicians, and other health care providers;
  • Working collaboratively in a health care team and as a member or a novice leader of the nursing care team;
  • Managing own work on a day-to-day basis;
  • Guiding and fostering good clinical environment to nursing students and other support staff who work under nursing supervision; and
  • Thinking critically and committing to self-directed learning

Appreciate oneself as a nurse, and have positive attitudes toward professional nursing and lifelong learning.

Curriculum Framework of the Diploma in Nursing Science


The curriculum is designed to offer a sequence of learning experiences, from simple to complex. The curriculum framework (Figure 1) incorporates common and simple situations significant to nursing in dealing with health of individuals, families, and communities within the health-illness continuum and throughout

human developmental stages for achieving nursing goals (promoting, maintaining and restoring health). Essential competencies required for quality nursing and midwifery care is integrated throughout the curriculum. These include competencies in:

  1. Using nursing process in common and simple health problems/situations with the considerations of client-centered, holistic, community-oriented, andknowledge based nursing;
  2. Carrying out ethical behaviors and concerning ethical and legal issues;
  3. Developing management and leaderships kills;
  4. Developing self-directed and life-long learning skills.

Curriculum Design:

The curriculum is dynamic with provision for incorporating emerging health problems and changing health policies as well as latest advancement in health sciences. The diploma in nursing program is designed to incorporate (1) General courses to prepare students to understand the world, understand human behaviors and well-behave in the society (2) Foundation courses to furnish students with essential knowledge relevant to nursing and midwifery and (3) Professional courses for nursing and midwifery specific courses. The courses are sequenced from year one to year three, from simple to complex, with an attempt to increase students’ competencies overtime.

Title of Courses

General Courses:

  1. Behavioral Science
  2. Basic Science
  3. Communicative English
  4. Computer and information Technology (ICT)

Foundation Courses

  1. Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Microbiology and Parasitology
  3. Nutrition and dietetics
  4. Pharmacology

Professional courses:

  1. Fundamental of Nursing
  2. Community Health Nursing
  3. Medical & Surgical Nursing
  4. Orthopedic Nursing
  5. Pediatric Nursing.
  6. Psychiatric Nursing.
  7. Midwifery
  8. Leadership and Management
  9. Research methodology

Year wise subject with code and hours distribution

1st Year

Subject Code Subject Title Allocated hours (T /L/P) hrs.
D111 Behavioral Science 240 144/0/96
D112 Basic Science 128 96/32/0
D123 Anatomy and Physiology 256 208/48/0
D124 Microbiology and Parasitology 64 48/16/0
D135 Fundamental of Nursing 824 252/92/480
Internal Subject:
D116 Communicative English 80 48/32/0
D117 Computer and Information Technology 64 32/32/0
Total with internal subject = 1656 828/252/576

2nd Year

Subject Code Subject Title Allocated hours (T /L/P) hrs.
D231 Medical & Surgical Nursing 832 248/104/480
D222 Pharmacology 80 80/0/0
D223 Nutrition and dietetics 240 80/64/96
D234 Community Health Nursing 292 196/0/96
D235 Pediatric Nursing 260 116/48/96
Total = 1704 720/216/768

3rd Year

Subject Code Subject Title Allocated hours (T /L/P) hrs.
D331 Midwifery 1192 280/96/816
D322 Psychiatric Nursing 144 96/0/48
D333 Orthopedic Nursing 240 96/48/96
D334 Leadership and Management 96 96/0/0
D335 Research Methodology 80 80/0/0
Total = 1752 648/144/960


Year Allocated hours (T /L/P) hrs.
1st Year 1656 828/252/576
2nd Year 1704 720/216/768
3rd Year 1752 648/144/960
Total = 5112 2196/612/2304

* Internship: After completion of the program every student has to perform 06(six) months internship.