Contacts for Admission Information: 01744-206030, 01538-097483|


Dr. Myun Ju Lee, President of Bangladesh Adventist Union Mission and others have had a dream of establishing a Nursing College in Bangladesh for a long time. However, because of the financial resources needed, it has taken a long time for the dream to become a reality. As soon as Dr. Chong Ho Yang was called to serve as the President of Bangladesh Adventist Seminary School and College in 2013, he began to pray to God with his wife for a Nursing College. God miraculously prepared Mr. Dae Hoon Ahn, and his wife, Mrs. Choong Rang Lim from South Korea, who prayerfully donated the seed money for constructing a Nursing College building. Bangladesh also received significant funds from the 13th Sabbath Offering in 2015 and the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-Day Adventists (SSD) for construction of the Nursing Administration building. In addition, numerous donors from the United States and Korea donated funds to establish the college. On August 2014, the ground breaking ceremony took place.

The Bangladesh Adventist Nursing Institute (BANI) was approved by the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council on October 4th, 2016, for a 3-year Diploma Program and by the SSD on November 2nd, 2016. Along with BASC president Dr. Lamson Pantra, Mr. Borun Roy and Mr. S. Chowdhury worked hard to get the affiliation done.

The BANI Administration Building constructions was completed by November 2016 along with a girls’ dormitory donated by Mr. Jason and Mrs. Hyun Sook Kim. A special Inauguration ceremony was held on November 12th, 2016 where President of the General Conference, Dr. Ted N.C. Wilson, the President of SSD, Dr. Samuel Saw, officers of SSD, the Bangladesh Adventist Union Mission, and other world-wide church leaders as well as staff and faculty of the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary School and College made it more blessed with their presence.

BANI began classes by January 2017 with 32 nursing students along with the Principal Dr. Eun Hee Peek (Ph.D. in Nursing) who came to Bangladesh on May 2016 as a volunteer to start the Institute. These students and other new students who will be admitted in subsequent years will be competent, committed health providers who will be a credit to the Seventh-day Adventist health education system and faithfully serve the people of Bangladesh and beyond. From 1st November 2018, Sandra Rumi Madhu (Ph.D in Nursing, cont.) appointed as the next and first National Principal of BANI till now.

Constructions is on progress for adequate housing of the nursing staff and faculty building with the donation from Elder Leon Peek family and along with boys’ and girls’ first floor dormitory with donation from previous doners. We continue to pray for an Adventist hospital at BANI/BASC campus, which is will be beneficial if BANI is to be a viable health-care Institution.

The mission of the BANI is to prepare professional nurses to meet the dynamic health care needs of individuals, families, and communities in Bangladesh. This is accomplished through an innovative, high quality educational program.

Board Approval: BANI Academic Bulletin provided by BNMC for all Nursing Institute according to Government policy.

BANI Constitution: So far, Bangladesh Adventist Nursing Institute do not have constitution and bylaws. Soon we all have BANI constitution and bylaws.

The object of BANI shall be, to serve the Bangladesh Union Mission of SDA in the training of young people as workers in all branches of gospel services and to provide for the young men and women of its churches a balanced tertiary/undergraduate education of their spiritual, physical, and intellectual powers.

This institution shall have as its constituency the delegates to the Bangladesh Union Mission quinquennial session and the following members of the faculty: administrative officers, librarian, recorder/registrar and teachers with the rank of professors, associate professors, and assistant professors who have been connected with the institution for at least two years.